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In today's world, digital capability is integral to being effective regardless of subject, vocation or profession. The best place to showcase and develop the digital practices that students need to thrive in the workplace and in their studies is in the curriculum.

Less than a third of students said that they were given formal recognition or accreditation for their digital skills

Digital experience insights survey 2024

In addition, findings from our 2024 UK student digital experience insights survey show that only 37% of students in HE and 40% of learners in FE agree that their course gives them opportunities to build digital skills for future employment. However, we also discovered that most HE students feel that digital technologies allow them to make good progress in their studies (74%) and to contribute in ways they prefer while learning (68%).

74% of HE students said that technology allowed them to make good progress in their studies

Digital experience insights survey 2024

Explore our curriculum confidence resources

The practices that staff model set an example for students and it is vital that staff are confident in their subject, their teaching and their digital practice. Complex and specialised digital practices require subject specialists who can introduce these in context and who are confident in embedding these within the curriculum.

Becoming and remaining 'curriculum confident' is likely to be something that staff need continued support with – whether through staff training and development opportunities or through peer networks and communities of practice.

Jisc's Beyond Blended: rethinking curriculum and learning design offers an updated understanding of the different benefits and challenges of online learning, and the value of in place learning (where learners and educators are physically present in the same space). The report aligns this with existing thinking and research on how best to integrate technology into the curriculum through design, content creation and teaching methodologies.

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Checklist for curriculum developers

We have developed a checklist for curriculum developers to help course teams assess how well a course of study is preparing learners with the right kinds of digital capabilities.

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Curriculum mapping

This mapping document provides a curriculum view on our building digital capabilities: the six elements defined model. It is closely related to the learner profile and the HE student profile and asks curriculum teams to assess how a course of study (or smaller unit) will prepare learners with the capabilities and practices outlined.

Try this out:

  • Review the curriculum mapping for the Jisc 'six elements' framework
  • Taking elements in turn, consider: where in the course do learners - or could learners - encounter, practice and gain feedback on this.
  • Buddy up with a colleague to compare your thinking.
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Technology mapping

Our technology mapping document looks at the tools you need to meet the six elements outlined in our digital capabilities framework for individuals (the six elements defined).

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Pyramid model

What does a digitally capable course leaver or graduate look like in your subject area? What qualities make them successful? Use our pyramid model to help you translate learning outcomes into learning activities.

Try this out:

  • Review the 'development pyramid' model and notice how it is mapped to the six elements
  • Write new learning outcomes in the first line (attributes)
  • Consider each area of digital practice in turn, and decide what learners on your course should be able to do
  • Use the learner profile for inspiration if it is useful but remember your practices will be specific to your subject
  • Buddy up with a colleague to compare your thinking
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Student and learner profiles

Our HE student profile and learner profile are versions of the six elements of digital capabilities model, specifically addressing the capabilities of students and learners. They are intended to demonstrate how new areas of practice are emerging, and how individuals might use their digital skills in different areas of their designated roles.

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Jisc/NUS benchmarking tool

This roadmap tool updates the Jisc NUS TSEP benchmarking tool based our Digital experience insights survey 2018: findings from students in UK further and higher education. The roadmap helps student representatives to discuss and review specific aspects of the student experience in your organisation. It focuses on the digital environment for learning and how digital tools and resources are used to support learning in courses of study. It can be used to start conversations and contribute to improvements at your university or college.